Amata Nakorn Industrial Estate
Amata Nakorn Industrial estate covers an area of 3020 ha or 7459 Acres or 18873 Rai currently hosts over more than 300 multinational companies right now. The Industries currently set up here are of a mixed type of Automotives, Electronics, Consumer goods, Light Industries, etc. Quite a few well-known names in the international arena like Siemens, Bridgestone, Denso, Pepsi, Jotun, MeadJohnson,Triumph, Daikin, Electorwatt, PTT, PCS Security, etc. have set up their units in this estate.
The Tenure of the land offered in the Amata Nakorn Industrial park is freehold. The electricity power to the Estate is supplied by The PEA (Provisional Electricty Authority with the estate and by Amata Private power plant (a joint venture of B.Grimm, Siemens, ABB, KfW and Amata). The electicity tariffs are provided at the government fixed rates. The industrial water sources include water from Sri-Yad dam, Bangpakong River and several reservoirs and lakes at Amata Nakorn. The estate has a water treatment facitity of its own to handle about 44000 m^3/day of waste water which confine to the standards of the Ministry of Industry of Thailand. The estate has its own facilities to provide steam and Natural Gas to the industries set up here based on their requirements. The Telecommunication facilities are approved and offered by TOT (Telephone Organization of Thailand) and fibre optic cable connections are facilitated by TT&T (Thailand Telephone and Telecommunication).
Thailand is becoming a base for many industries who wish to grow their market in South Asia. It is also proudly called as the “Detroit of South East Asia”. The rapid growth of industries has led to the development of many Industrial estates in order to cater to the development of industries. The industrial estate is provided with the best facilities services, medicinal, safety and security features. In fact the industrial estate is awarded the ISO 14001 by TUV Rhineland for its Industrial standards. The estate also boasts of an all steel reinforced wide concrete roads with foot paths. One of the prestigious estate developed by Amata Ltd is Amata Nakorn Industrial estate.