''Three (3) Great Effects of Installing ''Nets Boy'' Cylinder Jacket''
onto Injectiion Moulding Machines for Energy-Saving
We can supply you with High-Temperature Heat-Insulated Cylinder Jackets
''tailor-made''to your requirements, best suited to your Injection Moulding Machines and satisfying your specific requirements for improved ''Energy-Saving'', ''Increased Safety'',and ''Improved Product Quality''.
100% Made In Japan (Designed By Japanese, Materials Made In Japan and Materials Sewn By Japanese)
1) Energy-Saving :
* Good Power Reduction of Heaters (More than 40%-50% of Electric Cost can be reduced)
2) Stabilized Temperature :
* For Best Quality & Boost Yield (Stabilized Temperature of Cylinder for Best Production Condition,and Shorten Warming Time.)
3) Increased Safety :
* Cylinder Heater Jacket ,improving working conditions and atmosphere, prevents the danger of burns and improves working environment temperature.
Just for your information and reference, we are sending you herewith the following photos and documents of our ''NETSU-BOY'' Cylinder Heater Jackets for Energy-Saving for Injection Moulding.
Machines :
1) Brand-new Injection Moulding Machines with ''NETSU-BOY'' Cylinder Heater Jackets installed : Before Shipment under O.E.M. Contract
2) ''NETSU-BOY'' Heater Jacket for Big-sized Hopper Dyrer (Before & After)
3) Change of Heater Surface Temperature Before Installation & After Installation):
* Surface Temperature can go down as cool as one-fifth (1/5), and atmosphere stays comfortable and less danger for burns.
(Example : Cylinder Surface Temperature 250℃ -----> Down to 55℃)
Attached, please find our catalog on ''Nets Boy'' High-Temperature Heat-Insulated Cylinder Jacket for Injection Moulding Machines for your perusal and understanding. (Specifications may be changed subject to improvement without notice)
We can supply you with High-Temperature Heat-Insulated Cylinder Jackets ''tailor-made'' to your requirements, best suited to your Injection Moulding Machines and satisfying your specific requirements for improved ''Energy-Saving'', ''Increased Safety'', and ''Improved Product Quality''.
* 100% Made In Japan (Designed By Japanese, Material Made In Japan and Material Sewn By Japanese)
* No Mechanical Parts inside ------ No Tearing & Wearing ------ No Maintenance (Maintenance Free)!!!!!
Attached Sheet shows ''Materials'', ''Warranty'' and ''R.O.I.'' (Return Of Investment)''/Pay-Back Period'' for your understanding.
Installation shall be done by the end-user.
We are pleased to inform you that just for your information, one of our customers
(Japanese Injection Moulding Company, Malaysia) has obtained the very good result
----- A 48% of ''Energy-Saving'' Effects of Heater Power By use of our
''NETSU-BOY'' Cylinder Heater Jacket for their MITSUBISHI 1,050ton Injection
Moulding Machine as per data attached herewith (Before & After Installation).
Please be advised that their Cycle Time has been improved (shortened) as well.
(Good Stabilization of Temperature)
[Quick Pay-Back]
* The investment cost can be recovered only in as little as one (1) year plus(1.2 - 1.3 Year)!
* The price combined with the High R.O.I. (Return Of Investment) of ''NETSU-BOY'' allows you
to justify the investment within a reasonable period of use.
[Highly Cost Effective!!! Increased Safety & Improving Working Condition!]
* No Additional ''Hidden'' Cost.!
* No consumption!
* No Tearing & Wearing!
* No Pollution!
* No Maintenance!
* Long Lasting! (same as lifetime of the injection mouding machine: 20 Years or more)
[Warranty] : 14 months after installation against manufacturing defects.
injection molding insulation blankets contact
injection molding heater cylinder insulation